Successfully secure that promotion

Click here for free guide - Applications with Impact

GROUPS (Interactive training and workshops for aspirant education leaders)
Learn strategies enabling you to target the right schools and promote yourself effectively in the leadership recruitment and selection process. Split into two sessions; join us for either or both:

‘Ensure you’re shortlisted’ focusing on identifying candidate’s unique selling points, targeting the right school and vacancy and drafting an appealing, relevant application statement (not your career history!)

‘Landing Leadership Roles’
covers how to prepare and what to expect from the various selection day tasks, plus techniques for answering those ‘difficult’ interview questions.

All participants will be provided with “Pitfalls and Top Tips” containing advice, guidance and suggestions to support them through the recruitment process.

INDIVIDUALS (Not for the faint hearted but for the ambitious upcoming leader!)

A remote application review service offering critical feedback on statements, mock interview, either face to face or

by Skype – jacquelinehr.baker

Click the button on the right to book a free 15 minute consultation

Information on psychometric profiling available – great for evidencing strengths in statements